Checking in with a short post today to indulge in a little humblebrag.
This week saw an embarrassment of riches in my inbox. But not so embarrassing that I won’t tell you about them.
First was a glowing review in DOWNTOWN Magazine NYC, a news and culture magazine based in…can you guess?…downtown New York.
“It helps explain the tragedy to young adults in a simple, yet moving manner. Tom Rogers has told the story in a way that most parents and educators have struggled to accomplish. It’s a thoughtful and important book for readers of all ages.”
To be honest, I’ve always been concerned about how the book would be received by those who experienced 9/11 at close range and who continue to live with daily reminders of that time.
Getting a thumbs-up from downtown was a relief and a thrill.
Lazy Hippie Mama
Yeah, you read that right.
The “Lazy Hippie Mama” is Elizabeth Comiskey, a Midwestern mother of four whose charming and witty blog is consistently ranked among the top three “mom blogs” in the nation, in the home schooling category.*
I’m not much of a hippie (my hair is WAY too short), but I can certainly get behind her manifesto:
“One Woman’s Attempt to Save the Earth, Promote World Peace, and Raise Productive Citizens Without Expending Too Much Effort”
LHM published an enthusiastic review of Eleven this week.
“The author did an extraordinary job of presenting the human side of what happened on that day….I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend Eleven to anyone for themselves or their child….I intend to have my 5th grader read it this September.”
Moms tend to be the gatekeepers for what kids read at this age, and I was delighted to get this endorsement from such a committed parent.
“A great platform for a discussion about 9/11”
Both reviews of Eleven emphasized the book’s value to teachers and parents as a way to talk to their kids about a difficult subject like 9/11.
As the new school year begins and we approach the next anniversary of 9/11, I’m already looking forward to working with the many schools that will be teaching Eleven this year.
If you’d like to arrange an author visit at your school, in person or via email, phone or Skype, just hit me on email ( or Twitter (@tomrogersbook).
Thanks! *rankings from Top Mommy Blogs